Rapeseed Oil (Extra Virgin, Cold Pressed)

  • Can be used in place of any other oil or butter in all your recipes. The oil has an extremely high flashpoint of 240C, which gives a crispy finish to fried and roasted foods whilst retaining its flavour and colour.

    Use for: Dipping, salad dressings, marinades, mayonnaise, baking, stir frying, shallow frying, roasting, deep frying…basically anything you need oil for!


  • No added colours, flavours or preservatives. Cold pressing methods only extract the richest 30% of the seed’s oil.

    naturally high in vitamin E, rich in omegas 3, 6 and 9, and low in cholesterol.

    Nutritional info per 100ml

    Energy 897kcal

    Fat 92.5g of saturates 7.2g, mono-saturates 58.57g (omega 9: 58.36g), Polyunsaturates 26.32g (omega 3: 9.64g, omega 6: 16.68g)

    Carbohydrates 0.1g of sugars 0.1g

    Protein 0.1g

    Salt 0.01g

    Vitamin E 23.1mg, 193% reference intake

  • Sold package free. Bring your own containers to refill!. Or delivered in a reusable glass bottle.

    Delivered to us in a 20l plastic container which is returned, washed and reused - completely circular!

  • oil is grown, harvested, pressed and bottled in the Cotswolds, UK.

    Delivered via land.

  • Great low food miles cooking oil option.

    circular packaging to avoid waste.

    Cotswold Gold zero waste procedures: office and factory heating system runs off waste oil. Rapeseed ‘cake’, which is the meal bi-product created during the pressing process, is sold for cattle feed. This is essentially rapeseed husk but still retains much of the nutrients from the oils so is great to use as a conditioning animal feed.