DIY: Eco Cleaning Reusable Cloths

This is a great method shared by green living hero Nancy Birtwhistle and her Clean & Green book. Sometimes your reusable cleaning cloths or face cloths/ make up pads need a deeper clean than the washing machine can offer. This method avoids harmful chlorine bleach and instead uses natural green bleach. It is a safe and non-toxic, biodegradable alternative to harsh chlorine bleach. When dissolved in water it releases oxygen which acts as a powerful stain remover, deodoriser and disinfectant. It breaks down harmlessly to oxygen, water and sodium carbonate, so no nasty chemicals entering the environment and no single use plastic bottles either!

You’ll need:

2 tablespoons washing soda

1/2 teaspoon natural bleach

500ml hot water - or enough to cover your cloths

large glass microwave-proof bowl

plate large enough to cover bowl

your grubby dishcloth or flannel, make up pads


Best done at the end of the day. Add your washing soda and natural bleach to a large bowl, pour over the hot water, pop in your cloth and make sure it is submerged. Place the plate over the bowl, place in microwave on high for 1-2mins until boiling, turn microwave down to just 100 watts and microwave for a further 30 mins. In effect it is being brought to the boil and simmered for 30mins which can be done on a hob if no microwave. Leave the cloth in the bowl/saucepan overnight to cool and then rinse with cold water.

Alternatively for a quick whitening, sanitise and freshen add 1 teaspoon natural bleach to a bowl, pop in your grubby cloth and pour over sufficient boiling water to cover. Leave for 30mins and once cool enough to handle rinse with cold water and either use straight away or dry.

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